
The Cedars Grand Lodge   In 1977, around ten Worshipful Masters from different lodges, residing in regions not occupied by the Syrian Army, held a series of meetings. And in 1979, six lodge presidents decided to create an obedience; they bought the Temple of the Grand Lodge of Lebanon and the Arab Countries which became the headquarter of their projected obedience. Statutes and General Regulations were drawn up and adopted by vote; a Grand Master was appointed for 12 months as a result of the organization of regular elections, which was done in 1980. The Cedars Grand Lodge was created and installed on Saint John’s Day – Saturday, the 21st of June 1980, having as its first Grand Master the Respectable Brother Fouad Faddoul. The elections, in spite of the often-difficult security circumstances, took place every three years; the Grands Offices were thus always renewed.   The Cedars Grand Lodge works at the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The Cedars Grand Lodge belongs to the adogmatic and liberal masonry; it respects absolute freedom of conscience.   Its official language is Arabic; assemblies may be held in French or in English. The Lebanese Interior Ministry had recognized the Masonic quality of the Cedars Grand Lodge, according to the authorization No 356 AD, dated on the day/month 1990, issued to "The Association of the Cedar Grand Lodge to improve the masonic culture of its active members without interfering in religious and political matters. Its fundamental motto: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”.   The Cedar Grand Lodge is a male obedience.   She signed numerous friendship conventions and agreement protocols with multiple obediences around the world, thus opening a perspective for its many members in the diaspora to be able to continue on their course to initiation. The Cedars Grand Loge belongs to, and sometimes has as founding members, several international associations or encounters of social or Masonic nature, organizing some of these encounters in Lebanon. It is a federation of lodges including members from different Lebanese regions.  


  • Promote human and ethical values by living the culture and principles of freemasonry.
  • Focus on freedom, equality and brotherhood in an unlimited search for truth and knowledge.
  • Guide the brothers in a way of life which enlighten their believes and philosophy.


Develop a sound fraternity based on brotherly love, respect, freedom, and equality, to reflect the freemasonry values.



  • We promote the character of excellence, brotherhood in our lodge; human and ethical values of our brothers.
  • We value the high standards of morality, intellectual capacity, critical thinking, human integration, cultural dialogue, integrity and solidarity among our brothers.
  • We ensure that our craft and freemasonry rituals highest values are the means in assisting our brothers to develop in excellent character and become pivotal in their communities, and servants of humanity and justice, now and in the future.


Promote the character of excellence in our brothers’ values, morality, human integration, integrity and cultural dialogue, by insuring that freemasonry rituals are the corner stone in their believes and futuristic actions.