The Message of the Worshipful Master of Acacia 1 Respectable Lodge
It is my honor to serve as the WM of Acacia 1 and I thank all the lodge brothers for the confidence they have reposed in me by electing me to be the WM.
Me, and my fellow officers and brothers, thrive to further strengthening our dedication to our beliefs and principles in freemasonry and in our lodge that is intended to be the moral and spiritual center for the next generation of men in our communities. We will maintain our heritage and we will always be the custodians of the freemasonry symbols that are rich in moral, ethical, and spiritual teachings.
The rules of Freemasonry are built on the theme: FREEDOM, EQUALITY AND FRATERNITY and impose no limit in the search for truth. Our lodge is founded on this theme and all our work is reflected on the basis that tolerance, harmony, and love are masters of the man who seeks to better manage his existence.
We take pride that our fraternity at Acacia 1 thrives to positively impact ourselves and our communities with our Masonic Values of brotherly love, relief and truth, and openness to others.
Acacia 1 lodge officers are men of vision and enthusiasm; we will always be committed to create change, to motivate, and to inspire others to action, all in the right way.
The brothers of Acacia 1 are, and will always remain, exemplary of the true and genuine freemasonry brotherhood.
Warm and Brotherly regards
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